Friday, April 3, 2009

Party day!

Sorry I haven't written in the past few days. My dad heard about this virus and he shut the internet down on both computers. So, there was now way around this situation! Anyhoo, today is my party for my birthday! I was supposed to have 3 friends over for a sleepover, but one couldn't make it because she is going to cook at her church with her grandma tomorrow early in the morning ( nine. we'll prolly be sleping until 12 because we stayed up all night!!). Plus, she injured herself by climbing a tree. No, nothing to serious. And yes, she's fine. But it's hard for her to walk and/pr bend her knee. But at least Carissa and Lex are coming over to celebrate! Mom's making her famous home-made pizza too! I bet they'll enjoy it like everyone else who tasted it does. Right now, it's about 4:50 p.m. and they'll be arriving in 10 minutes! So I better go. I'll write tomorrow after they leave! promise!!


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